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Our team at Educational World Tours has decades of experience in planning, organizing, and operating language tours. The best method of learning a language is an immersive environment where the students can have an authentic cultural experience and interactive lessons. The language-learning experience shifts from the academic and comes alive and we at Educational World Tours can facilitate these tours. Contact us with your destination ideas and we will customize an itinerary to suit your particular interests, educational needs, and budget. Language tours can include a variety of activities such as language lessons in a local school, exchanges, and cultural activities.

Destinations for immersive language tours are unlimited and all provide unique learning opportunities.

All destinations mentioned on this website are samples and provide inspiration as every tour is customized.

Visit destinations abroad or domestic and live a different language while learning to speak from the locals!



French is a language known for its beauty and its association with art and culture. While in France students can engage in the lifestyle associated with the language with hands-on activities like classes in local schools and exchanges in addition to visiting historic locations.


Canada is known as a bilingual country and that is because of Quebec which is one of the largest provinces as well as being a primarily French-speaking destination. Also, the French language is spoken differently in Quebec then France as it has evolved since the French immigration, therefore, providing a different experience for student groups. In addition, to the language learning opportunity, Quebec is a place that is rich in culture and history.


Students can further their Spanish education through cultural experiences and visiting sites of great historic importance. In addition to the educational activities while on tour, students have the opportunities to engage in the famous Spanish culture that includes delighting in local delicacies and enjoying the Flamenco dancing.


Another wonderful destination to engage in the Spanish Language while experiencing a rich and different culture. Students engage in Spanish through immersive activities and language lessons. While on tour students can tour the country and learn about its ancient history.


China is the most populous country in the world and it is a country with two influential languages, Mandarin and Cantonese. Students can visit this country and learn either of these languages in an immersive learning environment such as practicing the language with local students or attending language lessons. Visiting groups also have the option to engage in a variety of cultural experiences such as Tea Ceremonies and temple visits as well as being able to visit world famous historic sites.


Students visiting Germany are offered a great learning opportunity as they can interact with the politically important language while touring the medieval cities and castles of this nation.


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