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Why Travel With Us?

Established & Experienced

Over 15 years ago Educational World Tours planned its first educational tour; now EWT is an industry leader and focuses on offering a range of educational tours, domestic and aboard. This proven track record allows for our clients to travel worry free.

Loyalty Program

EWT has a loyalty program that thanks teachers for referring us to their colleagues. It works so that every time one of our clients refers EWT to a new teacher who confirms a tour we will send that teacher as well as the new teacher a $100 prepaid visa card as a thank you. This system was put into place to express our gratitude to the teachers for their partnership and referrals. We are proud that our tours offer hands educational experiences to students as well as touring exciting locations. This multifaceted format has led teachers to come back to us year after year to organize their tours. We at EWT take great pride in delivering our product.

High Rate of Repeat Bookings

One of the best indicators of the success of our tours is that high rate of repeat bookings. This marker is thanks to our loyal group organizers and we pledge to continue striving for ways to improve our processes and enhance your travel experiences.

Our services

Our mission is to organise a tour so that you do not have to worry. This begins with the planning of the tour which we take your ideas and organise a complete trip. We provide you with tour planning information including deadlines and tour planning/meeting suggestions. Our final documents include full instructions and contact details for all inclusions. We also offer to attend a pre-tour group meeting to help with planning, either in person or by video call. Team members are available to travel with your group if required. We also offer 24/7 emergency contact in case of any problems on your tour.


Included in the tour cost is detailed on each itinerary but generally includes:
Accommodation either hotels or hostels depending on the budget; sightseeing entrances for activities in the itinerary; tickets to shows and performances in the itinerary; road tolls; park fees, parking fees; driver expenses; insurance with unlimited medical for all international tours and comprehensive insurance packages are available to purchase for all tours at a reasonable price; and finally, local taxes on all inclusions.


Flights, if applicable, are included in the tour cost but is subject to change until time of booking. In addition to the fare all associated taxes are included in the cost. Many tours travel by bus and we arrange these services using private charter buses for sightseeing, transfers and touring. All our bus companies have a high standard of buses and are certified by the country's national transportation authority. Buses and regularly inspected and drivers have safety checks. We can also include school buses for short local transfers to help keep costs down.


Whether meals are included in the tour is up to the discretion of the tour organiser. During the request of the initial quote the question is posed as to what is included. The organiser states the inclusions but additional meals and activities can be added at any time during the planning of the tour. Most school groups choose to include breakfast within the tour cost therefore details of breakfast are included in your final documents (where the breakfast will be located and what it will include). In addition to breakfast many groups chose to include dinners to minimize the decisions made during the tour. However, the number of meals included is optional and this is reflected in the cost of the tour. Some schools include all dinners and some only special occasions, such as dinners with a show, it is entirely at the discretion of the organiser. Lunch is typically not included as we allow for time for students to purchase lunch.

Activities specific to your program

One of the benefits of each tour being custom made we are able to organise activities that are specific to your program. For an music group we can organise Workshops with local clinicians of a high standard. These can include for music groups workshops with University clinicians, members of the Philharmonic, Broadway style, Magic Music Days in the Disney Parks, or with local conductors of local community bands. Drama, dance and art groups can also participate in workshops or language groups can be immersed in local culture of classes. Sports teams can take advantage of coaching and activities with local teams. We also schedule Performances at local schools and/or public venues, or games with local teams. If you have an idea of what you would like your group to do we always do our best to accommodate.

Competitive Pricing

The longevity of EWT and its associated companies have allowed us to develop a large network of worldwide contacts and significant buying power which means that we can often negotiate superior rates from suppliers and pass the savings on to you.

Contact Us
  • Type of Trip
  • Tour Details
  • Dates
  • Inclusion
  • Additional Info
  • Contact Info

What kind of tour are you planning?

  • *** All our itineraries are custom designed for each group so the more information you provide the more accurate the itinerary you receive will be. After you submit your request you will be contacted by an Educational World Tours sales representative with an itinerary and quote.

Tour Details

Yes    No

When is your tour?

Duration of trip (Days):  


Additional Info & Requested Activities

  • - What is the focus of your tour?
  • - What kinds of activities is your group interested in? (sightseeing, festivals, etc)
  • - How old are your students?

Contact Info

Thank you for your request

You will be contacted by an Educational World Tours representative.

Personal Information:

(NB: * indicates mandatory fields & must be entered)

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